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Clinic/Seminar costs: 

Travel/accommodation + total hours worked

8+ hours $215/hr
5-7 hours $255/hr
>4 hours $295/hr

(General ranges, cost may be negotiable)


FDE Pitching Clinic Format (General)

Pitching Levels

 - Beginner (0-1yr experience)
- Intermediate (2-3yr experience)

 - Advanced (3+ yr experience OR coach/my discretion)


Session Focus
- Energy Transfer (Launch to Release) *
- Landing and Delivery *
- The Weight Room and Pitchers **

*2hr minimum **1 hour for coaches/parents/pitchers

Each is 8 max pitchers


FootDoctor Esia Speed and Agility for Fielders


  • 2 hours

  • 16 athletes max

Middle Infield

  • 2 hours

  • 16 athletes max


  • 2 hours

  • 16 athletes max


FootDoctor Esia Coaches Seminar

  • 1.5 hours 

  • various topics 



Consulting services allow for video, conference, LIVE online demo/presentations for coaches, athletes, teams, and organizations. 






Interested or need more info? Submit the for below. 

Human Movement and Athletic Performance

speed training l agility training l trainer l speed and agility training l sport specific training l softball training l footwork

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